Hybris Pricing

Hybris provides a flexible, scalable and configurable way to handle prices using PriceRows.

PriceRows in Hybris defines the prices rules, In short to prices can be configured based on user group, channel, timeframe, unit…etc.

A single price is qualified by product, product price group, user, user group, currency, unit, min quantity and a date range.

Hybris uses Europe1 Price factory by default

A PriceFactory is responsible for calculating product and order prices with respect to taxes and discounts.

How to create customer specific price in SAP Hybris using UserPriceGroup:

To create customer specific price using UserPriceGroup, we need to follow these steps:

1.Create UserPricingGroup

INSERT_UPDATE UserPriceGroup ; code[unique=true] ; name[lang=en]
; 01 ; "ecommerce"

2. Assign userPriceGroup to PriceRow.

# Macros / replace yourProductCatalog name

INSERT_UPDATE PriceRow ; product(code, $catalogVersionStaged)[unique=true] ; currency(isocode)[unique=true] ; price  ; net[unique=true,default=false] ; ug(code)[allownull=true] ; unit(code)[default=pieces]
                       ;10001                                         ; US                            ; 93.60  ; false                          ; 01                   ;                           

3.Assign User price Group to customer

UPDATE Customer ; uid[unique=true] ; Europe1PriceFactory_UPG(code)
                ; testuser             ; 01                       

In case of B2B Accelerator assign the B2Bunit to price group instead of customer as above

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