Difference between B2B and B2C

In Hybris B2B accelerator is structured with B2bUnit, B2bCustomer, SalesOrg, B2bOrders to maintain the few functionalities like Pricing, Orders, Promotions etc in a organised way.


B2b stands for Business to business which refers to type of transaction that takes place between one business to another business and additional features when compared to B2c like early login, credit limit for customers, quotations, sales orgs…


B2c stands for business to consumer as transaction takes place between a business and individual as end customer.

B2B Unit:

B2b unit is an organizational unit representing a company node, department node. it holds relations to almost every B2b type because the visibility restriction is based on a B2b unit. Units can have one parent B2b unit assigned and they can have multiple children assigned. The B2b unit that has no parent B2b unit is the B2b root unit of a B2b organization.

A B2b unit and its descendants from a branch of the B2b organization. The branch of the B2b root unit is the B2b organization. Orders are assigned to B2b units, so if you move an employee from one B2b unit to another, the order is still assigned to the same B2b unit. B2b units can have an approver group assigned, which is a list of potential approvers of an order with a set of predefined permissions. A B2b unit is a subtype of the SAP Commerce type company.

B2B Customer:

B2b customers are assigned to B2b unit. They are members of atleast one B2b group. Their visibility and actions are limited to the B2b branch they are assigned to.

B2b customers can be active or inactive. When inactive, they are not able to log in, and therefore cannot approve orders, place orders, or perform any action on the system. Only an admin can reactivate a user. When they have access to items, this right is propagated down the branch, so they can see all items for their B2b unit and descendants.

B2b customers have a set of permissions assigned, A B2b customer with permissions must also be assigned to the appropriate user group that grants the corresponding CRUD rights for the item the customer wants to modify.

You can move a B2b customer from one B2b unit to another within the B2b organization by updating the parent B2b unit. New budgets and cost centers are applied accordingly. However, B2b permission groups are transferred and may need to be adjusted. Order history is maintained both on B2b customer and B2b unit at the time order was placed, so historical data is maintained.

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