Solr Custom Facet

In this topic we are going to discuss about Steps to create custom facet

Step 1:

Create one attribute myColor to Product in items.xml as follows in *core-items.xml.

<itemtype code="Product" autocreate="false" generate="false">
<attribute type="java.Lang.String" qualifier="myColor">
<persistence type="property"/>

Step 2:

Do ant and start the server and do system update.

Step 3:

Create one solrIndexedProperty in solr.impex as follows

# Import the Solr configuration for the training store.

#facet properties

;$solrIndexedType;myColor    ;string;    ; ; ; ;true;true;true

Step 4:

Go to Backoffice –>Facet Search–>Solr Item Types.

Select trainingIndex and then check whether Custom facet property is created or not .

Step 5:

Assign color value for products through the following impex.

INSERT_UPDATE Product;$contentCV;code[unique=true];name[lang=$lang];myColor
     ;  ;552  ;myProduct;Red
     ; ;553  ;myProduct1;Silver

We can also add Data for myColor to the products directly in Backoffice also.

Step 6:

Now facet will be created in filter section on PLP page

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