Understanding the Basics of Javascript…

Why Javascript?

Understanding the basics of JavaScript is crucial for anyone looking to learn web development or add interactivity to their websites!

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. So, If one learns the usage of Javascript, they can move to other OOPS oreinted languages easily! However, it’s important to note that JavaScript’s implementation of OOP differs from classical OOP languages like Java or C++.

JavaScript supports several key principles of object-oriented programming:

  • Objects: JavaScript is based on objects. Objects are entities that encapsulate data (properties) and behavior (methods). You can create objects using object literals, constructor functions, or the newer class syntax introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6).
  • Inheritance: JavaScript supports prototypal inheritance. Objects can inherit properties and methods from other objects, forming a prototype chain. By accessing an object’s prototype, you can extend and inherit functionality.
  • Encapsulation: JavaScript allows you to encapsulate data and methods within objects. You can use closures to create private variables and functions that are inaccessible from outside the object.
  • Polymorphism: JavaScript supports polymorphism, allowing objects of different types to be treated as the same type. This is achieved through prototype-based inheritance and dynamic typing.

However, JavaScript differs from classical OOP languages in a few ways:

  • No classes in pre-ES6: Prior to the introduction of the class syntax in ES6, JavaScript didn’t have built-in class support. Instead, it relied on constructor functions and prototypal inheritance to achieve object-oriented patterns.
  • Dynamic typing: JavaScript is dynamically typed, meaning you can change the type of a variable on the fly. This flexibility allows you to assign different types of values to the same variable.
  • Functional programming support: JavaScript also incorporates functional programming concepts alongside object-oriented programming. It supports higher-order functions, closures, and the ability to treat functions as first-class objects.
  • Prototype-based inheritance: JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance instead of classical class-based inheritance. Objects inherit properties and methods directly from other objects, forming a prototype chain. This approach gives JavaScript its unique object-oriented flavor.

Despite these differences, JavaScript can be used effectively for object-oriented programming. The introduction of the class syntax in ES6 has made the syntax and structure more familiar to developers coming from classical OOP languages.

In the next Article we will read how to learn Javascript in a simple way!

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