SOLR in Hybris


Solr in Hybris which is used to store the data in indexed or an arranged way, in solr data stores in the form of json because searching makes easy. it is also help to make the searching faster and efficient so that processing time will be reduced, because it holds the arranged data so while searching the products its helps to reduce the CPU time.

Most of the eCommerce sites provides search functionality on their particular sites and especially for searching product details, As all we know products are the main searching data in any eCommerce site. Since Hybris also using solr for developing eCommerce sites, which is used for making faster search on the products in the site.

How solr is used in Hybris:

  • When User access any data in the storefront, generally it can come from either Hybris Database or from solr based on whether data is indexed or not.
  • If data is indexed , it will store separately in solr and can be accessed from there.
  • if data is not indexed , it will be available in Hybris database and can be accessed from there.
  • Communication between Solr and Hybris DB is one way because solr will get data from but it will not write anything back to Hybris database.
  • Accessing data from Hybris DB will take more time than accessing it from Solr because of indexed data in Solr.

Types of indexing strategies:

There are three types of indexing strategies, so that we can arrange data in solr:

  1. Full Indexing
  2. Update Indexing
  3. Delete Indexing
Full Indexing:

In this strategy all the arranged documents will be deleting first and then fresh indexing will be done by scratch. It takes some amount of time but not advisable to do it frequently.

There are two modes in Full Indexing:

  1. Direct Mode
  2. Two Phase Mode
Update Indexing:

In this strategy, Whatever the documents are modified within some specific time will be indexed and the other indexed documents are remains same.

This can be done very frequently if needed it consume less time when compared to Full Indexing.

Delete Indexing:

This strategy which is used to Delete complete indexed documents.

This should be done regularly to maintain the flexibility of indexed data as we might have unwanted indexed data in Solr from long time.


  • It is fast powerful, flexible and simple search engine.
  • Helps to make your products and services more accessible.
  • It helps to reduce the amount of time taken to locate information.
  • Increases time customers spend on web applications.
  • Flexible and adaptable with XML configuration.
  • Helps to improve user experience on the web application to increase revenue and profit.

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