ant all vs ant clean all


Hybris uses Ant as a build framework and it has come with its targets like ant all, ant clean all etc in Hybris.

Ant clean all

It checks the build, if there is no build then it will create a build from scratch. if there is a build it will delete and recreate it.

when we invoke Ant clean all commands from command prompt , it does below things

  • It first checks the folder structure of Hybris installed directory.
  • it checks whether config, log, data, temp etc folders are available inside Hybris folders.
  • If the folder structure is not available then it creates the folder structure.
  • if the folder structure is available then it do nothing.

Ant all

If there is no build, it will create build from scratch. if there is any build exist it will modify it instead of recreating it.

It is advisable to use ant all more frequently for building Hybris platform.

Use ant clean all during the first time setup or if some changes are not reflecting even after doing ant all. Otherwise ant all should be fine for building Hybris platform.

Ant all is faster than ant clean all for above reasons.

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