Impex in Hybris

Impex is an out-of-the box import-export framework. It is integrated text-based import-export extention. You can create, update, export and remove items in hybris platform.

Use of Impex:-

In live operation:
  • To import customer data into a production system.
  • To synchronize data with other systems, such as an ERP or LDAP.
  • To create backups.
  • To update data at runtime.
  • Can be run from CronJobs.
In migrations:
  • To migrate data from one hybris installation to another.
In development:
  • To import sample data (eg: on system initialization).
  • To import test data into testing system.


  • Operation itemType; attributes(refAttr)[modifiers];…
Data row syntax:

Impex Elements:-

  • Comments in impex file starts with symbol #. Comments are ignored while importing.


It is used in replace of frequently used statements. When we write impex file, some of value are static and used multiple impex so we can basically used to define the value at one place and use the macro in all the places. It helps to eliminate writing same lines again and again.

Syntax: Macros starts with “$”

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